We are pleased to announce that the J-CEP (SPC), a company invested by the Funds, to which we provide investment-related services (*1), completed the capital participation in aki-japan corporation (head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Masami Imai; URL: https://akijapan.co.jp/; “aki-japan”). 

aki-japan has been providing engineering staffing service to the construction industry since its establishment in 2007. Its client base mainly consists of leading construction companies in Japan. The engineers who work with these clients across the country are hired by aki-japan and fully trained in a group company of aki-japan, specialized for staff training with a focus on the construction industry.

We believe the sustainable growth of aki-japan will contribute to solving the chronic workforce shortage in the industry and to building lively work environments for the engineers. 

We aim to achieve further business growth maintaining the business platform and corporate philosophy built by the founding representative directors, Mr. Kota Mori, Chairman and Mr. Masami Imai, President.

(* 1) J-STAR Co., Ltd. provides investment-related services including investigation, investment opportunity introduction, or support for portfolio companies, to the Funds (J-STAR No.4 A, LP, etc.), respectively.

Capital participation in aki-japan corporation