Kairos Tokyo Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Company Representative: Mr. Tadashi Takahashi, “Kairos Tokyo”), a portfolio company of J-STAR No. 2 Investment Limited Partnership, our wholly managed and operated investment fund, has announced its acquisition of Visiting Nursery Care Services Business of Live Cross business in Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, formally operated by Kyosaikai Medical Corporation.

Established in 2013, Live Cross has well equipped facility with 50 private rooms, bathrooms specially for elderly care and mist showers. The facility is located next to Kyosaikai Sakurai Hospital, who provides visiting medical, nursery & care services to Live Cross.

Nurse Call Inc. (Headquarters: Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Company Representative: Mr. Tadashi Takahashi, Company Website: http://nc-service.net/) and Kairos & Company (Headquarters: Odawara-shi, Kanagawa, Company Representative: Mr. Tadashi Takahashi,  http://kairos-company.com/index.html, together with Nurse Call Inc., “Nurse Call Group”) provides hospice care services to patients with difficult diseases such as terminal stage cancer and ALS. In Japan where low birth and high death rate society with limited medical resources, Nurse Call Group is one of the pioneers in hospice services that enable patients to stay their last days at home in their respective regions.

Going forward, Kairos Tokyo will work closely with Nurse Call Group as well as Kyosaikai Sakurai Medical Corporation. At the same time, Kairos Tokyo will launch hospice care service in Live Cross to provide medical and care needs in the area. J-STAR will support Nurse Call Groups’ business expansion in the Tokyo Metropolitan area as a step to expand its high quality hospice care service nationwide.

In approaching the acquisition, J-STAR enlisted Strike Co., Ltd as a financial advisor, Kitahama Partners as a legal advisor, Yamada & Partners Certified Public Tax Accountants Co. for tax due diligence, and Kawahara Management Consulting Center, Inc.  for compliance due diligence specialized for nursing care industry.

Announcement of Acquisition of Live Cross Business by Kairos Tokyo Co., Ltd.