We are pleased to announce that the Funds, to which we provide investment-related services (*1) concluded the transfer of all the stocks they held in Kuon K.K. Co., Ltd., the holding company which invests in Yokoi Manufacturing LTD. (head office: Chuo-Ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Ryo Yokoi; URL:https://www.yokoi.co.jp/english; “Yokoi Manufacturing” ), to HATSUTA SEISAKUSHO Co., Ltd. (“HATSUTA”).

Yokoi Manufacturing has been manufacturing and selling firefighting equipment since its foundation in 1958, and it has the top share in indoor fire hydrant equipment market in Japan. 

We supported Yokoi Manufacturing in its efforts to build a robust management organization and supply chain globalization during our investment. 

We believe Yokoi Manufacturing will further grow with the support from HATSUTA dealing in firefighting, prevention equipment and system manufacturing and sales 

* 1) J-STAR Co., Ltd. provides investment-related services including investigation, investment opportunity introduction, or support for portfolio companies, to the Funds (J-STAR No.3 SS, LP, etc.), respectively.

Stock transfer of holding company of Yokoi Manufacturing LTD.