J-STAR is proud to announce that we earned the “Firm of The Year in Japan” in Private Equity International Awards 2015. We won this award for the four consecutive years.

You may find general information of Private Equity International Awards 2015 on the following link

https://www.privateequityinternational.com/uploadedFiles/Private_Equity_Internatio nal/PEI/Non-Pagebuilder/Aliased/News_And_Analysis/2016/March/Magazine/PEI%201 43_PEI%20Annual%20Review_Awards.pdf

In 2015, we made two primary investments (Nihon Hoken Service and ESCO) as well as one bolt-on acquisition (Sokisha) through Nihon Hoken Service. We are grateful to those who supported us through nominating us and voting for us.

In 2016, we have already made one primary investment (Platia). Surrounded by a rich deal pipeline, we expect 2016 to be another active and exciting year for us. We continue to focus on creating value for the Japanese small to medium size companies applying our “Solution Capital concept”.

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J-STAR received the Firm of the Year in Japan in Private Equity International Awards 2015