This is to announce that our wholly managed and operated investment fund, J-STAR No. 2 Investment Limited Partnership has acquired 100% shares of Platia Co., Ltd.. (headquarters: Higashi-Osaka, Osaka, company representative: Mr. Norihiko Tanaka, “Platia”)

Platia was founded in 2003 to provide nursing care services including group homes that specialize in dementia patients. The company has a rich experience accepting elderly patients with dementia, which are often thought to be difficult to take care of in general nursing facilities. Platia has 5 group home facilities, 1 elderly nursing home, 2 day care centers, and 2 home-visit nursing care offices in Osaka.

Platia plans to expand its group home business in Osaka while considering its growth opportunities as well as bolt-on acquisition opportunities in high population areas like Tokyo & Osaka metropolitan areas where demand is high. J-STAR will actively support Platia’s growth going forward.

In approaching the acquisition, we enlisted Resona Bank Limited as a financial advisor, Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners as a legal advisor (including legal due-diligence), KPMG Healthcare Japan Co., Ltd. for the business due-diligence, KPMG AZSA LLC for the financial due-diligence, and KPMG Tax Corporation for the tax due-diligence.

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Announcement of Investment in Platia Co., Ltd.